29 June 2022

Hospitality NZ calls on Parliament to send Easter trading Bill to select committee

Hospitality New Zealand is calling for MPs across Parliament to send ACT MP Chris Baillie’s Member’s Bill on repealing Easter trading restrictions to a select committee so hospitality businesses can have their say on whether to stay open or not.

The Repeal of Good Friday and Easter Sunday as Restricted Trading Days (Shop Trading and Sale of Alcohol) Amendment Bill is expected to have its first reading in the House today.

“This is a very important issue for hospitality businesses across New Zealand and it’s important they get to debate the merits of the bill in select committee, alongside members of the public.

“Easter trading rules are currently delegated to local councils, but this leaves a patchwork of different rules across the country, which creates a lot of confusion for operators and the public. 

“Dealing with this issue at a national level would remove confusion and division as some areas get to trade while others don’t.

“Easter weekend presents one of the highest demand travel periods in the calendar, and removing this confusion for both domestic and international tourists also aids the recovery of tourism.

“In our view, the Easter trading debate is a simple one – it’s about enabling hospitality businesses to choose if they wish to open or not.

“After the past two years of economic devastation across our industry, it’s important business have the choice to open if they can and if they want to.”




For media enquiries, contact:

Hospitality New Zealand National Service Centre 0800 500 503

Hospitality New Zealand is Aotearoa’s leading nationwide hospitality industry association covering commercial accommodation and food and beverage businesses. It is a not-for-profit organisation that supports over 3,000 members. To find out more visit, or connect on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.